Saturday 5 October 2013

A Few Tips On The Efficient Placement Of FARMS And SILOS On The Home Island


Last night I started tinkering with something that had been on the back of my mind for a good long while: how the heck am I going to place Farms and Silos respective to one another, to the Storehouse and Wheatfields so that everything is perfectly balanced? And more to the matter: which is the best setup?!

To do this I drew the various scenarios that seemed more likely to me, using the Ortogonal Building Placement Model (the most effective as far as we know). I tried placing two wheatfields, one on either side of the storehouse; two wheatfields, with one above and one below the storehouse; a single wheatfield above the storehouse; but the best one was really the first I tried: a single wheatfield BELOW the storehouse.

I drew a little schematic for you to see better what I'm talking about. Just click HERE.

The F within the squares means Farm of course. And the S, Silo. The numbers represent the TOTAL travel time, from Farm to Wheatfield, back to Farm, from Farm to Storehouse and back to Farm. So F52 means the total travel distance for that Farm, per production cycle is 52 seconds. This will allow you to estimate a bit better how much improvement/loss you would suffer in your production should you choose to use this model.

If you notice the Farms and Silos are simmetrical to the Storehouse and Wheatfield. I have kept all the travel distances so that you can see that they are matched, which means the rate of Wheat consumption (by the Farms) and the rate of Wheat Replacement (by the Silos) is exactly the same.

In any case, if we are using Farms and Silos balanced with one another, we will not get as much efficiency as if using Farms and multiple Wheatfields... So it's a tradeoff between the hassle of continuously replacing Wheatfields or having a slightly lower Wheat production. ;)

There are multiple places on the map where you can place groups such as these. More likely than not these places already have buildings in them. For this reason, if you so wish to smooth-out your Wheat production (and thus, Flour and Bread as a consequence), I'd suggest you plan carefully and do one group at a time.

Each group has 7 Farms and 7 Silos. More could be added but not only the production times would be too great as finding a place on the map would prove quite challenging...

Obviously you do not need to have 7 Farms and 7 Silos in each cluster. You can discard 1, 2 or even 3 Farms/Silos. In this case you will increase the overall production time for the cluster but, of course, you may be using one of the very few spots on the map where you can place them... If you're planning to play this game for a long time you will need plenty of Bread - and that means plenty of Farms.
As such... do your setups carefully!

And if you find a better setup, please do let me know and we'll post it here! Thanks!


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